I leave for college in two days.
I am so excited. I am terrified. I am giddy. I am sad. I am so incredibly excited to see what God has in store.
Goodbyes are not easy and saying goodbye to those here is going to hurt. I know that Blackhawk is not going to be easy, it will be hard. It is so far outside of my comfort zone, but the beauty in that is that God will grow me. I am so comfortable here at home in my routine. I can not wait to be pushed out of my comfort zone and experience God's peace and be stretched and grown by Him in ways that are un-imaginable right now.
I pray that while I am at school God will reveal a ministry for me in the horse world. My passion is horses but more than that my passion is God. I want to glorify and worship Him through horses and I want to impact the Kingdom through horses. My prayer for this year is that God will show me what that actually looks like. I am in a place of total surrendrance... these past several months God has asked me to surrender absolutely everything. My horses, my health, my family, my friends, my heart. I can not wait to see what He has in store for the coming year.
I trust in His plan. I do not know where I am going to be a year from now. But I trust that it will be where God wants me.
Jeremiah 29:11
Proverbs 3:5-6
Monday, August 16, 2010
Saturday, July 31, 2010
A Clean Slate. Goodbyes. New Beginnings. Heartbreak. Faith
In two weeks I am leaving for college.
I am packing up my life, and my horse and heading out on my own.
I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared or uneasy or nervous because I am. I am terrified but at the same time I am so excited. This is the moment I have been waiting for my whole life and up until now this is where I feel God leading me. I feel His peace and His direction.
In the past month I have had some serious health issues arise which have held setbacks and required a new level of walking by faith for me. There is so much that is unknown. I am not guarenteed tomorrow and I want to not hold back and live up each day for Christ as though it is my last. In the last year, God has called me to surrender absolutely every part of my life and in doing so He has given me a clean slate as I head off to this new chapter in my life.
I hate goodbyes. Saying goodbye to my friends is going to hurt, I will miss them so much but I know that God is calling me to Blackhawk for right now. I love my friends. (you all know who you are :) ) God has used them in huge ways in my life but there is a time for goodbye and new beginnings. Our friendship may become long distance but my love for them will not change, and I will still make sure I see and talk to them.
I am going to miss my family. I don't have words for how much I love them and how hard it will be to not be at football games on Friday nights this fall to support my Dad. Growing up is hard but I can rest in knowing that no matter what my family will always love and support me. Even if I'm away from home.
My heart my break as I say my goodbyes and load up my life in two weeks but I choose to walk by faith into this next chapter and I believe that what God holds in store is going to be amazing. I will have Zi with me as we embark on this journey together. I don't know what the future holds, right now I'm taking it one day at a time and seeing where God guides my path.
Jeremiah 29:11
Romans 8: 24-25
I am packing up my life, and my horse and heading out on my own.
I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared or uneasy or nervous because I am. I am terrified but at the same time I am so excited. This is the moment I have been waiting for my whole life and up until now this is where I feel God leading me. I feel His peace and His direction.
In the past month I have had some serious health issues arise which have held setbacks and required a new level of walking by faith for me. There is so much that is unknown. I am not guarenteed tomorrow and I want to not hold back and live up each day for Christ as though it is my last. In the last year, God has called me to surrender absolutely every part of my life and in doing so He has given me a clean slate as I head off to this new chapter in my life.
I hate goodbyes. Saying goodbye to my friends is going to hurt, I will miss them so much but I know that God is calling me to Blackhawk for right now. I love my friends. (you all know who you are :) ) God has used them in huge ways in my life but there is a time for goodbye and new beginnings. Our friendship may become long distance but my love for them will not change, and I will still make sure I see and talk to them.
I am going to miss my family. I don't have words for how much I love them and how hard it will be to not be at football games on Friday nights this fall to support my Dad. Growing up is hard but I can rest in knowing that no matter what my family will always love and support me. Even if I'm away from home.
My heart my break as I say my goodbyes and load up my life in two weeks but I choose to walk by faith into this next chapter and I believe that what God holds in store is going to be amazing. I will have Zi with me as we embark on this journey together. I don't know what the future holds, right now I'm taking it one day at a time and seeing where God guides my path.
Jeremiah 29:11
Romans 8: 24-25
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Walking by Faith
Life has no guarentees. Tomorrow is never for sure.
In coming weeks I must face my fear and face the unknown. I am terrified. I want to fall apart and break down. I want to give in to fear. I want to hide and pretend everything is okay. But God is bigger.
God is showing me what it truly means to walk by faith and not by sight. If I knew why things were happening the way that they are...it would not be living by faith. I can't see the big picture. I can only see what is in front of me. I trust that I am in God's hands. He will never let me go. He will not forsake me. I can not allow fear to cripple me. I will not let it define who I am. I choose to walk by faith because my life is God's. He knows best. I trust that no matter what happens it is His will and I am going to live it out.
I want to look at trials as an opportunity to live out 2 Corinthians 5:7. God uses trials to refine our faith and when I look at them that way it changes the entire perspective. Regardless of what the coming weeks bring, I choose to walk by faith and not by sight and follow the path that God paves for me.
Hebrews 11
In coming weeks I must face my fear and face the unknown. I am terrified. I want to fall apart and break down. I want to give in to fear. I want to hide and pretend everything is okay. But God is bigger.
God is showing me what it truly means to walk by faith and not by sight. If I knew why things were happening the way that they are...it would not be living by faith. I can't see the big picture. I can only see what is in front of me. I trust that I am in God's hands. He will never let me go. He will not forsake me. I can not allow fear to cripple me. I will not let it define who I am. I choose to walk by faith because my life is God's. He knows best. I trust that no matter what happens it is His will and I am going to live it out.
I want to look at trials as an opportunity to live out 2 Corinthians 5:7. God uses trials to refine our faith and when I look at them that way it changes the entire perspective. Regardless of what the coming weeks bring, I choose to walk by faith and not by sight and follow the path that God paves for me.
Hebrews 11
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Don't hold back
Life is short. Life has no guarentees. Live it up. Love unconditionally and without holding back today. Tomorrow is not for sure.
I have really been reflecting on how I live day to day. I get up, go to the barn, play with and ride Zi, hang out with my family, hang out with my friends, go to caribou, drink coffee, read, journal, go back to the barn and then I sleep. The same routine repeats. I don't want to get stuck in that routine. I want to not hold back, I feel like it is so easy to get caught up in day to day living and waste time. I want to invest in relationships and pour myself into those and love without holding anything back and stop worrying about tomorrow. Leave no words unsaid and open my heart and live every day as though it is my last.
Song of Songs 8:6-7 For love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame. Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away.
Love is powerful. Don't hold it back. Love today. It has been close to my heart to not worry about tomorrow and love unconditionally and live it up fearlessly for Christ right now with the time I have and keep an eternal perspective.
2 Corinthians 4:18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
I have really been reflecting on how I live day to day. I get up, go to the barn, play with and ride Zi, hang out with my family, hang out with my friends, go to caribou, drink coffee, read, journal, go back to the barn and then I sleep. The same routine repeats. I don't want to get stuck in that routine. I want to not hold back, I feel like it is so easy to get caught up in day to day living and waste time. I want to invest in relationships and pour myself into those and love without holding anything back and stop worrying about tomorrow. Leave no words unsaid and open my heart and live every day as though it is my last.
Song of Songs 8:6-7 For love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame. Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away.
Love is powerful. Don't hold it back. Love today. It has been close to my heart to not worry about tomorrow and love unconditionally and live it up fearlessly for Christ right now with the time I have and keep an eternal perspective.
2 Corinthians 4:18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Becoming Uncomfortable
God does not call us to be comfortable.
He calls us to be uncomfortable because it is then that He grows us the most. It is a state of fearlessness.
I have come to realize in the past weeks that God is calling me in every part of my life to be uncomfortable and to step outside my comfort zone. It is uncertain. It is scary. In fact it is terrifying. Yet it is also full of joy, and peace because God is the center of it. I do not know what will happen tomorrow or a week from now or where I will be a year from now. What I do know is that today I am in God's hands and He is cradling my life. My heart is His and I want to live everyday as though it is my last knowing that for me to live is Christ and to die is gain.
What kind of perspective is that!? I love how Paul has that eternal perspective and I want to cling to that. I want to embrace it. I want to own it. What would it look like if every christian embraced that eternal perspective and spent their days living it up in a state of fearlessness for Christ?
He calls us to be uncomfortable because it is then that He grows us the most. It is a state of fearlessness.
I have come to realize in the past weeks that God is calling me in every part of my life to be uncomfortable and to step outside my comfort zone. It is uncertain. It is scary. In fact it is terrifying. Yet it is also full of joy, and peace because God is the center of it. I do not know what will happen tomorrow or a week from now or where I will be a year from now. What I do know is that today I am in God's hands and He is cradling my life. My heart is His and I want to live everyday as though it is my last knowing that for me to live is Christ and to die is gain.
What kind of perspective is that!? I love how Paul has that eternal perspective and I want to cling to that. I want to embrace it. I want to own it. What would it look like if every christian embraced that eternal perspective and spent their days living it up in a state of fearlessness for Christ?
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
The Choice
Life is a journey that constantly has so many twists and turns that can hurt yet be so joyful. I love that in the midst of them God is always there. I've come to discover in the last five months that God is truly my only constant. I can't rely on anything in this world because it will fail me. Friends will fail me. Regardless of how much I love them or how much they love me (or say they do) they will fail me because of human nature but God is so much bigger and He never fails. Being able to rest in that is such a comfort.
I had a in depth conversation with Courtney and Elizabeth about friendships the other day and just to see how God is working in them both is beyond inspiring to me, I love how they are so transparent with what God is teaching them. It made me realize though how true it is that God is really our only constant and as women of Christ we need to seek after what He has and live that out. We need to own it. I love that.
I took Zi to the 4H overnight last weekend and it was amazing. He did so much better than I had anticipated and maybe it was because of my growth as a horseman and rider. I went without feeling like I had to prove myself to anyone and I just focused on my horse and what he needed. He never even blinked at the train and I was able to play with and ride him in the arena. Katie was there with Ari and having her there was a blessing and seeing how she worked with Ari was a true testament to horsemanship. I don't think I've ever been more proud of her :)
In the last week I've had to face something that I haven't wanted to admit. I lost some confidence with Zi because of Magi leaving and just doubting myself because of health and situations. One thing with Zi that is so evident is he is so in tune to me as a leader and if I am not mentally "fit" enough he loses confidence. It's been a threshold for me to work through as a horseman and rider because I feel ashamed admitting I have allowed confidence to escape me in the last week.
The bottom line is I miss Magi. I miss childhood and I am afraid. I feel like there is this choice looming in front of me. I can choose to allow God to work through this and be fearless for Him and pursue my future with Him by my side and Zi or I can choose to constantly be looking back to Magi and my past. I have struggled with grief, anger and bitterness because of saying goodbye to Magi. I hate being that transparent but it's the truth. I keep running into God's arms and just pouring out my hurting heart and offering it up and I now have a choice. God is not calling me to be comfortable. He is calling me to live outside my comfort zone and be better utilized for Him. Yes I am hurting and I miss Magi but I am outside my comfort zone and God has blessed me with Zi and an opportunity to utilize my talents and give my best. I need to take it. Fearlessly.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Letting Love Live On
I miss Magi.
The pain of letting go has nearly torn me apart.
God is so in the midst of this though, his peace and comfort transcend all understanding and have carried me through a week that I did not humanly have the strength for.
I had a realization this weekend. Yesterday I had a not so great session with Zi... it wasn't anything that he did it was just that mentally I could not get myself together. I wasn't enough of a leader for him. Today, I went out to the barn and spent 20 minutes playing at liberty in the pasture. At the end of it he cantered over to me and stopped in front of me and I slowly sank down to my knees in the grass. I sensed that he was unconfident and by lowering my center of gravity I was less threatening. He nuzzled my head and then stepped closer and lowered his head into my lap. I rubbed him and we sat like that for what seemed like hours. It was then that I realized in the week since Magi has left I have closed my heart up.
I've been too afraid to let go and let myself love Zi the way he deserves because I'm afraid of being hurt again. In doing that I've not allowed God to have the victory He wants to have in my life. I have been issued a challenge. A challenge to let love live on and open up my heart and love unconditionally and unceasingly no matter how the relationship or friendship ends. I choose to let love live on. Yes I still hurt, I still cry and I still miss Magi but God is growing me and right now He is stretching me and helping me to see that I need to choose to let love back into my heart and to embrace it with every fiber of my being.
God is love.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Strength in Weakness
I don't think goodbye has ever been as hard at it was yesterday morning. It felt surreal.
I put Magi in the stall he was to stay in until his trip to Florida and with tears streaming down my face I buried my head into his mane and sobbed. He stood there and nuzzled my shoulder and it felt like we stayed like that for hours. Then I had to walk away.
I walked down the barn aisle and he whinnied after me and it took every ounce of will power to not turn around and run back to him. God held my heart though. I felt God's peace and comfort from the beginning and I rested in it. Magi is now on his way to Sarasota, Florida where he will have an exceptional home with someone who can give him what I can't.
What does moving on look like? How am I supposed to go on from here? I believe that God has done such a work in my life in the past few months. He has blessed me with friendships I will treasure for the rest of my life and He's given me the courage to surrender my heart entirely over to Him and He's given me the strength to stay living in a state of surrendrance. My heart broke in two yesterday and today I miss Magi so much it hurts.
It was not just a horse that I have loved for the past five and a half years that I said goodbye to. I said goodbye to my childhood, and to a part of my life that I will never get back. I said goodbye to a horse who represented the darkest time in my life and the victory that the Lord granted me in that time. I said goodbye to part of myself. My prayer is that Magi can go and be successful with his new owner and I trust that He will. He was never mine but instead a borrowed gift from my heavenly Father at a time when I needed it. Now, I have Zi and a bright career and future to look ahead to.
Right now though my heart is still broken and I still just want to cry. I feel like I'm living in a fog. I miss my first love. God is in this though. I hear His voice and I am trusting that He will bring me through this because He is faithful and He is good. He does not forsake nor forget. May His name be praised forever. I love the way that God grows us because He has stretched me so far outside my comfort zone in saying goodbye to Magi yet He is using it to grow me. New challenges as far as health and life itself have come up yet God is still God. He is my everything and I now have the opportunity to live that out.
A part of me will always miss Magi. Right now the pain is still raw but I am allowing God to heal. Courtney, Zack, Lizzy and Katie were all there for me yesterday and God used their support to help me through the hardest day of my life. God continues to shower down blessing in a time that is so devestatingly hard and uncertain.
For that I am thankful.
2 Corinthians 12:10
For when I am weak, then I am strong.
I put Magi in the stall he was to stay in until his trip to Florida and with tears streaming down my face I buried my head into his mane and sobbed. He stood there and nuzzled my shoulder and it felt like we stayed like that for hours. Then I had to walk away.
I walked down the barn aisle and he whinnied after me and it took every ounce of will power to not turn around and run back to him. God held my heart though. I felt God's peace and comfort from the beginning and I rested in it. Magi is now on his way to Sarasota, Florida where he will have an exceptional home with someone who can give him what I can't.
What does moving on look like? How am I supposed to go on from here? I believe that God has done such a work in my life in the past few months. He has blessed me with friendships I will treasure for the rest of my life and He's given me the courage to surrender my heart entirely over to Him and He's given me the strength to stay living in a state of surrendrance. My heart broke in two yesterday and today I miss Magi so much it hurts.
It was not just a horse that I have loved for the past five and a half years that I said goodbye to. I said goodbye to my childhood, and to a part of my life that I will never get back. I said goodbye to a horse who represented the darkest time in my life and the victory that the Lord granted me in that time. I said goodbye to part of myself. My prayer is that Magi can go and be successful with his new owner and I trust that He will. He was never mine but instead a borrowed gift from my heavenly Father at a time when I needed it. Now, I have Zi and a bright career and future to look ahead to.
Right now though my heart is still broken and I still just want to cry. I feel like I'm living in a fog. I miss my first love. God is in this though. I hear His voice and I am trusting that He will bring me through this because He is faithful and He is good. He does not forsake nor forget. May His name be praised forever. I love the way that God grows us because He has stretched me so far outside my comfort zone in saying goodbye to Magi yet He is using it to grow me. New challenges as far as health and life itself have come up yet God is still God. He is my everything and I now have the opportunity to live that out.
A part of me will always miss Magi. Right now the pain is still raw but I am allowing God to heal. Courtney, Zack, Lizzy and Katie were all there for me yesterday and God used their support to help me through the hardest day of my life. God continues to shower down blessing in a time that is so devestatingly hard and uncertain.
For that I am thankful.
2 Corinthians 12:10
For when I am weak, then I am strong.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Saying Goodbye

I hate goodbyes. They suck. I dread them.
This week I have to say goodbye to someone who has been a major part of my life the last five years. He was there when my world fell apart freshman year, he was the shoulder I would cry on, he would listen when I had no one else to talk to, he stole my heart. My horse, Magi has been my gift from the Lord. God gave him to me at a time when I needed him. God used him to teach me and to mold me into who I am today. I remember being a 13 year old who stared into the eyes of a four year old Arabian horse and saw part of myself. Magi knew me, he was used by God to teach me and to help me through the darkest time in my life.
Now, five and a half years later I have to say goodbye to the one who has taught me so much. I say goodbye to my best friend, my greatest teacher and to the one who has held my heart and helped to ignite my passion for horses. I know that this is what is best and that this is what God wants. Above everything, I see that God gave me Magi for a season when I needed him and now God is taking him away and giving him a chance to be there for someone else who needs him more than I do. My heart is breaking and I hurt and I cry but God holds my tears and God is the one who is my passion and my everything. He is with me in this. I am not alone.
I love you. Those three words don't hold enough meaning to express how I feel about you and how much I care and how much you have meant to me in the last five and a half years. You taught me so much and I know that I've not always given you my best but you always forgive. I look in your eyes and I see acceptance, I see hope, love, beauty, confidence, trust and I see a reflection of my heart. God has blessed me with you and He has used you to grow me, to stretch me and to mold me. Thank you for being there when I needed you, thank you for letting me sob into your shoulder and for letting me soak your mane with my tears. Thank you for making me laugh, and for giving me joy and for blessing me with rides that I will never forget. I am sorry that I have to leave you. This is what is best even though neither of us can see it right now. I'm sorry I can't be enough for you and I'm sorry that we couldn't make this last but God has victory in this. I love you. I will always love you. When you leave in that trailer on monday, part of my heart will leave with you.
Some may think it's insane that a horse means this much to me and has taught me this much. But God works in mysterious ways and God has used Magi to grow me. He brought Magi into my life when I needed him and is now taking him away. I will surrender to His throne and my heart will be filled with my passion for Christ and for who He is because He is enough even in the midst of this pain.
Goodbyes suck. Yet God is in the midst of them and eases the pain.
Goodbye Magi. I will always love you.
You will always be in my heart.
Job 1:21-22 The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; May the name of the Lord be praised
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you declares the LORD, "plans to proser you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
James 1:17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
Zi has been doing amazing. I really have loved being able to work with a young horse again and watch him figure things out. He really has a great mind and an inate desire to please however he is so sensitive and requires such a level of softness that if fun for me to play with and experiment with. Magi and Zi are definitely complete opposites of each other but that's what keeps it fun for me as a trainer! I've been riding Zi a lot and he has improved so much every ride, he can now walk and trot consistent circles and figure eights and maintain a steady tempo. I have cantered him (his canter is HUGE!) however there is still a lot of work to be done to achieve circles at the canter. I've already started to ask for a little collection from him, more mental collection and he has been giving it to me. I am so excited for his progress and for what lays ahead for both of us together!
Magi is leaving soon. It hurts to even type that. It's good yet it's also hard for me, I have found a lady in Florida that will give him the best possible home and I know he'll love it but I hate goodbyes. I'm not good at them. I already have to say goodbye to friends this fall so saying goodbye to Magi in the next week will be hard. Yet, I see God's hand. I feel his prescence. I know that He is in this and I am clinging to that. God has been teaching me and growing me in ways that I didn't even imagine were possible. I am in a state of surrendrance that is beautiful and is opening my eyes to others around me and to how I can be used even more by Christ. I love that. I've been reading through Job and one verse that has stuck out to me like no other is from Job 1: 21-22 The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.
That is my heart.
Magi is leaving soon. It hurts to even type that. It's good yet it's also hard for me, I have found a lady in Florida that will give him the best possible home and I know he'll love it but I hate goodbyes. I'm not good at them. I already have to say goodbye to friends this fall so saying goodbye to Magi in the next week will be hard. Yet, I see God's hand. I feel his prescence. I know that He is in this and I am clinging to that. God has been teaching me and growing me in ways that I didn't even imagine were possible. I am in a state of surrendrance that is beautiful and is opening my eyes to others around me and to how I can be used even more by Christ. I love that. I've been reading through Job and one verse that has stuck out to me like no other is from Job 1: 21-22 The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.
That is my heart.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Letting Go
Zi has been doing great! We had a liberty session yesterday and I tacked him up and rode him today and he did fantastic:) It's amazing because he requires so much softness of feel and the softer I am the more he begins to offer! It's incredible and definitely a neat thing for me as a horseman and rider to play with. He also is a quick learner and picks things up so fast! In our riding session today, at the start of it he wasn't sure exactly how to turn while continuing to walk and trot. By the end though he was trotting consistent circles and everything! His trot is the most comfortable, big and fluid trot I've ever felt in my life! This horse really is going places, he is going to teach me so much!
Today, I had this realiziation hit me like a brick. I am leaving in three months for school. My entire life is going to change. I will not be around my friends, Magi will be gone and I will be away finally able to pursue my dreams with a horse like Zi. I am so incredibly excited but I am also terrified. I want to be fearless and I am striving for that. God has so much in store and I feel myself more and more surrendering to His name and to what He has. There is no fear in pursuing what God has laid before me, I know he guides my steps. I need to let go and embrace the change even though I don't want to. I want to stay close to the friends I have gotten so close to in the last nine months. I want to hold on yet I realize I need to let go and embrace what God has in store for me in the future. Letting go is not easy. I have to let go of Magi. I have to let go of him because I love him and there has not been a harder lesson to learn than that one. It hurts. Yet I see God's hand in it and that is what I am clinging to.
Today, I had this realiziation hit me like a brick. I am leaving in three months for school. My entire life is going to change. I will not be around my friends, Magi will be gone and I will be away finally able to pursue my dreams with a horse like Zi. I am so incredibly excited but I am also terrified. I want to be fearless and I am striving for that. God has so much in store and I feel myself more and more surrendering to His name and to what He has. There is no fear in pursuing what God has laid before me, I know he guides my steps. I need to let go and embrace the change even though I don't want to. I want to stay close to the friends I have gotten so close to in the last nine months. I want to hold on yet I realize I need to let go and embrace what God has in store for me in the future. Letting go is not easy. I have to let go of Magi. I have to let go of him because I love him and there has not been a harder lesson to learn than that one. It hurts. Yet I see God's hand in it and that is what I am clinging to.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Zi's second day has been fantastic.
I truly have the bestest best friends in the world. Courtney, Elizabeth, Mark, Zack and I all had a picnic at the barn and then rode Magi and I worked with Zi. I loved it! It was just healthy fellowship and God was the center of it, plus the fact that I have friends who truly support and appreciate the passion of my heart.
Zi was wonderful today. I can't really tack him up and ride yet because his new girth and bridle don't come until tomorrow. But today was spent doing a lot of undemanding time and playing. He jumped barrels...trotted circles and changes of direction, backed through doorways, I picked up all four feet from one side, and he got to hang out with me while I helped Katie with her trailering session with Ari. It is definitely love at first sight. I truly have never felt this instant kind of connection with a horse before, he has so much potential and thrives with attention. He is very sensitive and definitely more so than Magi is. So far, the one thing I have worked the most on is backing up. I noticed that he seems to be unconfident backing up more than a few steps especially if he's backing towards something. In order to help him become even more confident backing out of a trailer we've worked on backing through doorways and small spaces today. He's been great so far. I really love working with a introverted horse that's so different than Magi is.
Magi is also doing great. I got to play with and ride him and also had Mark and Courtney ride him. He is still jealous of Zi but truly had a great session today. He definitely had some dominance attributes that were even more pronounced due to Zi's arrival. But overall a fantastic day:)
God has really been laying it on my heart lately that I need to guard my heart in relationships and friendships and more than that I need to be in constant surrendrance to His will. I don't think I've ever realized more what that looks like until these last few months. There is definitely beauty in the breaking and sometimes God asks us to surrender something that we don't want to let go of. Yet, when we actually let it go He fills us with His peace that transcends all understanding. I feel that peace and I can see God's hand in my life that last few months. Zi is a blessing. I can not wait to see where God leads us next!
I just am so passionate about horses and the fact that God has given me this passion makes me more passionate! Everything I do reflects that passion and I love that I am finally being given the chance to share my heart with others. With my friends...with others in the horse industry and also I am allowed to share my heart as I work with Zi. I am in love with the way God works.
I truly have the bestest best friends in the world. Courtney, Elizabeth, Mark, Zack and I all had a picnic at the barn and then rode Magi and I worked with Zi. I loved it! It was just healthy fellowship and God was the center of it, plus the fact that I have friends who truly support and appreciate the passion of my heart.
Zi was wonderful today. I can't really tack him up and ride yet because his new girth and bridle don't come until tomorrow. But today was spent doing a lot of undemanding time and playing. He jumped barrels...trotted circles and changes of direction, backed through doorways, I picked up all four feet from one side, and he got to hang out with me while I helped Katie with her trailering session with Ari. It is definitely love at first sight. I truly have never felt this instant kind of connection with a horse before, he has so much potential and thrives with attention. He is very sensitive and definitely more so than Magi is. So far, the one thing I have worked the most on is backing up. I noticed that he seems to be unconfident backing up more than a few steps especially if he's backing towards something. In order to help him become even more confident backing out of a trailer we've worked on backing through doorways and small spaces today. He's been great so far. I really love working with a introverted horse that's so different than Magi is.
Magi is also doing great. I got to play with and ride him and also had Mark and Courtney ride him. He is still jealous of Zi but truly had a great session today. He definitely had some dominance attributes that were even more pronounced due to Zi's arrival. But overall a fantastic day:)
God has really been laying it on my heart lately that I need to guard my heart in relationships and friendships and more than that I need to be in constant surrendrance to His will. I don't think I've ever realized more what that looks like until these last few months. There is definitely beauty in the breaking and sometimes God asks us to surrender something that we don't want to let go of. Yet, when we actually let it go He fills us with His peace that transcends all understanding. I feel that peace and I can see God's hand in my life that last few months. Zi is a blessing. I can not wait to see where God leads us next!
I just am so passionate about horses and the fact that God has given me this passion makes me more passionate! Everything I do reflects that passion and I love that I am finally being given the chance to share my heart with others. With my friends...with others in the horse industry and also I am allowed to share my heart as I work with Zi. I am in love with the way God works.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
He is Here!:)
Zi is here! My Dad, Katie, and I all went to pick him up today.
I feel like a giddy little girl again. I don't think this ever gets old.
I feel like a giddy little girl again. I don't think this ever gets old.
He settled in perfectly, very calm cool and collected. He trailered like a champ and surprised me with how well he trailered and settled in. Magi was not a very happy camper.. he was a little bit jealous of the fact that my attention is no longer completely centered on him. Today, I just felt and saw God in everything. God was in the center of all of this and He led me to Zi and led me to a horse of his calibur. I am so amazed and in awe of Him and who He is and of the fact that He is opening doors for me in the horse world.
Having Zi here definitely helps ease the pain of having to let Magi go. It doesn't make it go away but it helps to see that God has plans for me still. He gives and He takes away. Zi has potential. I played with him today, I only focused on the basic seven games and then I hung out with him in his stall for awhile. I even hopped on him bareback for a little bit tonight and he was amazing. I definitely see some areas that he needs a lot of work on but there is no baggage and nothing to "undo," which is just perfect for a horse trainer like me:).
Having Zi here definitely helps ease the pain of having to let Magi go. It doesn't make it go away but it helps to see that God has plans for me still. He gives and He takes away. Zi has potential. I played with him today, I only focused on the basic seven games and then I hung out with him in his stall for awhile. I even hopped on him bareback for a little bit tonight and he was amazing. I definitely see some areas that he needs a lot of work on but there is no baggage and nothing to "undo," which is just perfect for a horse trainer like me:).
God is opening doors. God is just in the center of this. I felt Him in everything today. I have even more of a fire for Him and for my passion and I can not wait to see where it will take me and the rest of the doors God will open.
All I know is that I am His. He is mine. I have a passion for horses that He has given me. I love horses. I see God's hand in horses and I know He will use it somehow.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Whispers of Summer
Zi comes in six days :) School is done in three days:) I can feel summer's whispers!
I am beyond excited.
This summer I will be spending all my time at the barn, working with Zi and continuing to work and enjoy time with Magi for as long as I have him. Magi is officially listed for sale on equine.com and is being marketed as a Level 4 Parelli horse/dressage horse and hunter prospect. If you know of anyone interested please let me know, I really want to find him a good home.
This is the hardest thing I have ever had to do and I wish things were different but they aren't. God is just opening my eyes and heart up to so much more. I had a close friend tell me earlier today that I need to find joy in this because it is what God wants. It hurts yes, but I will continue to give my best effort and continue to love and open up my heart and give my best for Christ.
I am three months away from leaving for Blackhawk. That excites me to no end! God has so much in store for me and I am just so excited to see what happens and what He does!
Six days. :) Zi is a blessing. He will challenge me in new ways and grow me in even more!
I am beyond excited.
This summer I will be spending all my time at the barn, working with Zi and continuing to work and enjoy time with Magi for as long as I have him. Magi is officially listed for sale on equine.com and is being marketed as a Level 4 Parelli horse/dressage horse and hunter prospect. If you know of anyone interested please let me know, I really want to find him a good home.
This is the hardest thing I have ever had to do and I wish things were different but they aren't. God is just opening my eyes and heart up to so much more. I had a close friend tell me earlier today that I need to find joy in this because it is what God wants. It hurts yes, but I will continue to give my best effort and continue to love and open up my heart and give my best for Christ.
I am three months away from leaving for Blackhawk. That excites me to no end! God has so much in store for me and I am just so excited to see what happens and what He does!
Six days. :) Zi is a blessing. He will challenge me in new ways and grow me in even more!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Beauty in the Breaking
There is beauty in the breaking.
When I'm flat on my face and I feel like my world is falling apart THAT is when I feel God the most.
That is when He refines me more to Himself and when I am completely and utterly consumed by Him and who He is.
What does it look like for me to completely give everything for Him?
How do I achieve that?
Amidst the pain... and heartache, there is joy because I know I am doing what God has called me to do. I know that I am close to Him and this and that is all that matters.
There is beauty in the breaking.
Consume me Lord for I am yours.
When I'm flat on my face and I feel like my world is falling apart THAT is when I feel God the most.
That is when He refines me more to Himself and when I am completely and utterly consumed by Him and who He is.
What does it look like for me to completely give everything for Him?
How do I achieve that?
Amidst the pain... and heartache, there is joy because I know I am doing what God has called me to do. I know that I am close to Him and this and that is all that matters.
There is beauty in the breaking.
Consume me Lord for I am yours.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Start of Something New
I went out to Kingsway today for the first time in months. I used to board Magi there when I first bought him and being back out there was so crazy. I watched one of my friend's lessons and helped teach a little bit and got to ride and everything it was great! I was shocked though because the barn owner stopped me to catch up a little bit and he asked me to maybe judge the barn's upcoming schooling show as well as help teach camp lessons this summer! God just completely opened another door and working at a barn all summer teaching lessons would be absolutely perfect! I am going to follow up with him again in the next few weeks and make sure that all this actually happens but it was definitely an encouraging morning. I needed that.
I am so excited for this summer and upcoming fall. I feel that God is just doing SO much and growing me and stretching me and pushing me outside my comfort zone in ways that hurt like crazy but are so good. I feel Him like no other and He is just holding my heart and guiding my steps. I have realized that in the mids of brokenness God is there He is here and I am relying on Him like no other. I want that to be how it is all the time. I always want to feel this close to God and who He is. I just feel in complete surrendrance. I am His. I can not wait for what lays in store.
Zi comes in two - ish weeks :)
I am so excited for this summer and upcoming fall. I feel that God is just doing SO much and growing me and stretching me and pushing me outside my comfort zone in ways that hurt like crazy but are so good. I feel Him like no other and He is just holding my heart and guiding my steps. I have realized that in the mids of brokenness God is there He is here and I am relying on Him like no other. I want that to be how it is all the time. I always want to feel this close to God and who He is. I just feel in complete surrendrance. I am His. I can not wait for what lays in store.
Zi comes in two - ish weeks :)
Thursday, April 29, 2010
I have decided to be more diligent about updating this and I have decided to change the tone of this blog. I have made it more of a personal blog about my relationship with and passion for Jesus Christ and my journey in pursueing horses.
As far as news is concerned, I am officially registered for classes at Blackhawk this fall! I am so excited and God has just opened so many doors for it to even be happening. I am so pumped. I am getting a new horse, his name is Rock of Uzziah or "Zi." He is a four year old American Warmblood gelding that's 16.hh tall and still growing! I am very excited to pursue dressage naturally with him and his potential is such that there is really no limitation with him. My dressage trainer will be working a lot with him and I, and I plan on really taking him through the Parelli levels and reaching some new and exciting heights in that realm! God is good.
Lately what has really been on my heart is surrendering. I was recently drawn to a verse in 1 John (1 John 2:6) that says "Whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did." I went to a friend's college group a few weeks ago and they were talking about several verses in 1 John and the context of this verse and the ultimate question that rose was "what does it look like to truly give everything for God?" If I were to give up everything and follow after Jesus what does that look like? I have really been meditating on that and praying about it because I want to give everything. One of the realizations that I have come to is that when that is my prayer and heart... God answers and asks us to surrender things that are taken away. In my life right now I have reached a heartbreaking decision that I know is what God is calling me to. Parting with Magi is not easy, handing over my passions and desires is hard. But it is beautiful, I feel in such complete surrendrance with God and it hurts yet there is beauty in the breaking. 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 is close to my heart right now, in my weaknesses God is strong and is holding me up.
Today was a good day, I got to play with and ride Magi and be a part of a trailering session with Katie and Ari in preperation for summer travels. Very exciting! Zi is coming next month and I am so incredibly excited to work with a young horse again and really begin to utilize so many new techniques and skills I've been learning in Parelli and from my dressage trainer. Vet comes out next week to do shots and I am planning on going out to Kingsway this weekend to hopefully work with some horses and people:)
<3 Kayla
As far as news is concerned, I am officially registered for classes at Blackhawk this fall! I am so excited and God has just opened so many doors for it to even be happening. I am so pumped. I am getting a new horse, his name is Rock of Uzziah or "Zi." He is a four year old American Warmblood gelding that's 16.hh tall and still growing! I am very excited to pursue dressage naturally with him and his potential is such that there is really no limitation with him. My dressage trainer will be working a lot with him and I, and I plan on really taking him through the Parelli levels and reaching some new and exciting heights in that realm! God is good.
Lately what has really been on my heart is surrendering. I was recently drawn to a verse in 1 John (1 John 2:6) that says "Whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did." I went to a friend's college group a few weeks ago and they were talking about several verses in 1 John and the context of this verse and the ultimate question that rose was "what does it look like to truly give everything for God?" If I were to give up everything and follow after Jesus what does that look like? I have really been meditating on that and praying about it because I want to give everything. One of the realizations that I have come to is that when that is my prayer and heart... God answers and asks us to surrender things that are taken away. In my life right now I have reached a heartbreaking decision that I know is what God is calling me to. Parting with Magi is not easy, handing over my passions and desires is hard. But it is beautiful, I feel in such complete surrendrance with God and it hurts yet there is beauty in the breaking. 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 is close to my heart right now, in my weaknesses God is strong and is holding me up.
Today was a good day, I got to play with and ride Magi and be a part of a trailering session with Katie and Ari in preperation for summer travels. Very exciting! Zi is coming next month and I am so incredibly excited to work with a young horse again and really begin to utilize so many new techniques and skills I've been learning in Parelli and from my dressage trainer. Vet comes out next week to do shots and I am planning on going out to Kingsway this weekend to hopefully work with some horses and people:)
<3 Kayla
Monday, January 4, 2010
New Beginnings
Hey everyone!
yes, it's been awhile. Way too long in fact. Well, it's a new year and a time of change is coming. Good change. This fall I will be attending Blackhawk College and majoring in Equine Science, I will be on the horse judging team there and I plan on taking a horse with me to school. I feel like the time of my life i have been waiting for is finally beginning to happen! I get to go to a school where I'm taking classes about horse anatomy, psychology, kinesiology ect. I am so pumped!
Magi is doing amazing! Absolutely incredible. We officially passed Level 2, all of Level 3 except liberty and are Level 4 students. We plan on taping L4 finesse as soon as the snow melts! I have been taking dressage lessons with Magi and I have discovered a love of finesse and dressage, not traditional dressage but the kind where it is communication and love*language*leadership in equal doses. He is excelling at finesse/dressage and loves it. I am really for the first time learning how to play the 7 games from his back. I feel like our relationship has taken a new dimension because I am interesting and a leader on his back and utilizing his mind in a way I've never done before. In return, he is offering me softness, suppleness, impulsion, collection. The list goes on. He is giving me his heart. There is no greater feeling. I absolutely adore this horse, he has taught me so much and will continue to do so. I love him with my whole heart.
Here are some dressage/finesse pics as we further our study in Level 4.
My goals for this year with Magi is to be in the savvy spotlight for a celebration, and show him at Arabian Dressage shows naturally. I think it's good to set goals but not get so hung up on them that you forget about the journey. I feel as though God is opening some doors I didn't expect and leading me in a direction I didn't see coming. But He is leading my steps and humbling me. I can not wait to see what He has in store for me and Magi this year! It is all HIM!
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