Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Rainy days

Today is a rainy, dreary day and I love it.
I always love rainy days because it gives me an excuse to stay in the house armed with a journal and a pen and spend time talking with God and writing out my feelings. It's just awesome. There is nothing better than resting in the Lord's prescence. I've been realizing how important it is for me to spend daily time in the Word.. and not just "read it just to read it time" but reading the Word and seeking after the Lord and hanging out with Him. God just wants our heart and too often I find myself too busy or not taking the time to just hang out with Him. I mean honestly think about it, the creater of the universe wants to hang out with US!! How crazy is that!? I know that I am so undeserving. I am realizing more and more that my devotions need to be so much more about spending time with the Lord instead of just putting in my bible time for the day. I was thinking about it this way... God is everything.. He is my friend, father, lover and what makes me who I am.. it's a relationship. Every relationship must be invested in. I want to invest my all in growing in my relationship with God. I want to take that quiet time every day to acknowledge who He is and rest in that.
Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am GOD
On a different note, I had a pretty cool session with Zi today. It was too wet to ride so I decided to spend some time playing with him. He has been wanting to start cantering or go fast everytime I ask him for the circling game. He'll rush off and race around me but everytime I'd ask him to yield his hindquarters away from me he would stop and prick his ears and get so excited. For some reason the past two days it just hasn't clicked as to why this new behavior has started.. he's normally such an introverted horse that I was surprised at this outward show of extrovert. It hit me like a brick today. He's playing with me. I felt like I'd just been hit over the head with a 2x4.. he just wants to play and so I started making things more interesting and letting him canter off during the circle and he loved it. For the first time this horse actually let me see his play drive that he has tried for so long to keep hidden. He is a very complex horse that has many layers to his personality and is so sensitive.. and the way he tries to play is almost "awkward" or "different" in comparison to the LBE Magi. I'm learning more and more how to have the feel and precision to play with a horse like Zi and today it came true on the ground and it's all carrying over under saddle. I love it!
...rainy days are my favorite :)
Psalm 46
1 Corinthians 13:4-7

1 comment:

  1. I love it. I love the verse. I love the horse play. And I love revelations!
