Friday, May 28, 2010


Zi has been doing amazing. I really have loved being able to work with a young horse again and watch him figure things out. He really has a great mind and an inate desire to please however he is so sensitive and requires such a level of softness that if fun for me to play with and experiment with. Magi and Zi are definitely complete opposites of each other but that's what keeps it fun for me as a trainer! I've been riding Zi a lot and he has improved so much every ride, he can now walk and trot consistent circles and figure eights and maintain a steady tempo. I have cantered him (his canter is HUGE!) however there is still a lot of work to be done to achieve circles at the canter. I've already started to ask for a little collection from him, more mental collection and he has been giving it to me. I am so excited for his progress and for what lays ahead for both of us together!

Magi is leaving soon. It hurts to even type that. It's good yet it's also hard for me, I have found a lady in Florida that will give him the best possible home and I know he'll love it but I hate goodbyes. I'm not good at them. I already have to say goodbye to friends this fall so saying goodbye to Magi in the next week will be hard. Yet, I see God's hand. I feel his prescence. I know that He is in this and I am clinging to that. God has been teaching me and growing me in ways that I didn't even imagine were possible. I am in a state of surrendrance that is beautiful and is opening my eyes to others around me and to how I can be used even more by Christ. I love that. I've been reading through Job and one verse that has stuck out to me like no other is from Job 1: 21-22 The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.

That is my heart.

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