Saturday, May 15, 2010

He is Here!:)

Zi is here! My Dad, Katie, and I all went to pick him up today.

I feel like a giddy little girl again. I don't think this ever gets old.

He settled in perfectly, very calm cool and collected. He trailered like a champ and surprised me with how well he trailered and settled in. Magi was not a very happy camper.. he was a little bit jealous of the fact that my attention is no longer completely centered on him. Today, I just felt and saw God in everything. God was in the center of all of this and He led me to Zi and led me to a horse of his calibur. I am so amazed and in awe of Him and who He is and of the fact that He is opening doors for me in the horse world.

Having Zi here definitely helps ease the pain of having to let Magi go. It doesn't make it go away but it helps to see that God has plans for me still. He gives and He takes away. Zi has potential. I played with him today, I only focused on the basic seven games and then I hung out with him in his stall for awhile. I even hopped on him bareback for a little bit tonight and he was amazing. I definitely see some areas that he needs a lot of work on but there is no baggage and nothing to "undo," which is just perfect for a horse trainer like me:).

God is opening doors. God is just in the center of this. I felt Him in everything today. I have even more of a fire for Him and for my passion and I can not wait to see where it will take me and the rest of the doors God will open.

All I know is that I am His. He is mine. I have a passion for horses that He has given me. I love horses. I see God's hand in horses and I know He will use it somehow.

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