Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Letting Go

Zi has been doing great! We had a liberty session yesterday and I tacked him up and rode him today and he did fantastic:) It's amazing because he requires so much softness of feel and the softer I am the more he begins to offer! It's incredible and definitely a neat thing for me as a horseman and rider to play with. He also is a quick learner and picks things up so fast! In our riding session today, at the start of it he wasn't sure exactly how to turn while continuing to walk and trot. By the end though he was trotting consistent circles and everything! His trot is the most comfortable, big and fluid trot I've ever felt in my life! This horse really is going places, he is going to teach me so much!

Today, I had this realiziation hit me like a brick. I am leaving in three months for school. My entire life is going to change. I will not be around my friends, Magi will be gone and I will be away finally able to pursue my dreams with a horse like Zi. I am so incredibly excited but I am also terrified. I want to be fearless and I am striving for that. God has so much in store and I feel myself more and more surrendering to His name and to what He has. There is no fear in pursuing what God has laid before me, I know he guides my steps. I need to let go and embrace the change even though I don't want to. I want to stay close to the friends I have gotten so close to in the last nine months. I want to hold on yet I realize I need to let go and embrace what God has in store for me in the future. Letting go is not easy. I have to let go of Magi. I have to let go of him because I love him and there has not been a harder lesson to learn than that one. It hurts. Yet I see God's hand in it and that is what I am clinging to.

1 comment:

  1. God is throwing you into the world because He KNOWS you are ready. Your friends, we won't ever leave you. In fact, we'd rather you go after God's will in your life than stay here and not. Because we know the blessings showering your way. It'll be hard. No doubt. You'll probably see me cry. But it will be worth it. Don't forget K and K Ranch. We will be together again. Besides, that's why God gave you such a big heart, Kayla. So you can carry all your friends in there. <3
